Friday, September 13, 2013


Well, I'm back in school and I have had ZERO time to run recently. I'm really going to try and go out today though, because it's a beautiful fall day.

I weighed myself yesterday and I'm down to 169!! I'm so happy to be out of the 170's, they seemed to drag on and on forever. So 16 pounds lost now.

I sent in a Phe level today to my PKU clinic. I'm not optimistic about the results because I've been under my calories for most of the week. Being catabolic to begin with, those days are not going to help my levels at all. I'm hoping it's not higher than an 8.

Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. Get it girl! Congrats! Just wanted to thank you for your comment the other day : ) I'm sorry you had a bad day, but I'm glad I could encourage you! Sounds like your days got better, and mine did as well : )

    1. Thank you!

      I'm glad your day got better too!!
