Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Time to Step It Up ...

So up until now, my entire weight loss process has consisted of strictly limiting my calories. Now that the insanity portion of my summer is over and I have more time, I decided that I am going to add exercise into my weight loss program.

Earlier this summer, I was using the Couch to 5K app on my iPhone. I absolutely love it because it is linked to your iTunes on your phone. So your music will be playing and then the voice tells you when you need to alternate running and walking, which is so nice because I've tried to do it at the gym just alternating by time and it was a pain in the butt.

I'm hoping that doing this 3-4 times a week will accelerate my weight loss even more. I definitely want to be at my goal weight of 130lbs by January 2014, when we start trying to have children. This means dropping another 40 pounds in 4 months, which is totally possible. Even if I don't hit my goal weight, I will be proud of whatever I accomplish because I have come so far already. But I'm hoping that this will help me get there faster.

I will let everyone know how it goes. I usually get really bad shin splints when I run if I start out too fast so if I'm getting them I may ignore the running and just start with walking and jogging, but anything is better than nothing right?


  1. I've been using the C25K program too. It's super nice and It makes it so much easier to actually run. I'm on a journey of health and wellness as well. Thanks so much for following me and I am excited to be following you along your journey as well!

    1. Thanks for commenting :) I actually didn't get to start this week ... the day after I posted this I got my butt kicked by a sinus infection that I am still getting over. I could barely even go to work much less start trying to run. But as soon as I get over it, I will begin! I'm excited.
