Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Good Motivation

This is a post to give everyone motivation to stay on the healthy eating track. The last two months I have not only been eating less everyday, I've also been eating wayyy less junk food and much more healthy foods. I've had a cheat day here or there and that's fine.

Yesterday, however, I just ate WAY too much. My sister left a bag of Sour Patch Kids at our house which I basically devoured, I ate some Pringles, some pasta for lunch, and a few other things (junk food) here and there. Then I went with my friend Tessa to Panera for dinner. I got a You Pick Two with Greek Salad and Summer Corn Chowder, which I'd never had before but it was DELICIOUS. I even got a side baguette, which I never do, I never get a side.

As soon as I got home, my stomach started hurting. I was in so much pain, I had cramps and just felt awful, like I had to go to the bathroom so badly. I went in the bathroom and was really backed up (Sorry TMI). I ended up throwing up 3 times and still didn't feel better until I was able to go to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for 2 hours and afterward I just felt AWFUL.

I think the reason I got so sick is because I ate so much food in one day and my body is not used to 1) that much food and 2) the crappy quality of the food I ate. I will seriously never ever do that again and it gives me even more motivation to continue my healthy eating.

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