Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday and Pre-Pregnancy Thoughts ...

Today I weighed in at 172.8!! 12.2 pounds lost so far (since May 25th) and almost out of the 170s!

Today I plan to do Day 2 of Week 1 of my C25K program, so I may do another post about that later. Today my husband and I went to Panera for lunch, so I'm going to let that settle before I go out and run in this heat. I'll most likely wait until the evening when the sun is gone :)

Today I was thinking of the issues I've been having as far as my PHE levels not going down most likely due to my weight loss and calorie restriction and trying to brainstorm ideas on how to get the best of both worlds. Starting next week, I will be sending in a PHE level every week basically until after pregnancy. I was thinking that since I'd be doing this, I could alter my calorie intake on certain weeks (up it a little) to see if my levels go down on those weeks. If I'm exercising enough, I don't think it will negatively affect my weight loss in any significant way. Especially if I only up it by about 100 or 200 calories or so a day. Right now I'm eating 1200 a day. I think to maintain your weight you times your weight by 11 ... so right now to maintain 172.8 I should be eating approximately 1890 calories. So even if I were to up to 1500 or so, I'd still be losing. I'm going to pitch the idea to Nikki (my dietician) and see what she thinks.

** SIDENOTE: I can't believe to MAINTAIN this weight I'd be eating almost 1900 calories. This seems like such a huge amount to me now ... like what in the world was I eating before when I was up to 185?! Scary.

My levels are more of a priority to me at this point than the weight loss because of trying to get pregnant. I still have a little time (we aren't trying yet), but I want to find the best way to get me where I need to be. I'm going out to lunch with my friend from Olive Garden on Saturday and it's going to be my last meal out in awhile. Because of my limited options at restaurants for PKU, I'm going to try and not go out to eat as much as possible. Then I'm thinking every Wednesday-Friday I will do diet records and send my level on Saturday every week. Just so I have a plan.

At some point in the next 4 months, I need to up from 3 supplements a day to 4. I'm trying to decide when I want to put myself up to that challenge. I'm thinking around maybe September or October but not sure yet.

Stay tuned ... LOL.

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